Friday, May 6, 2011

Adding Social Media Links to Your Outlook Signature

Your email signature is a great place to include promotions and links to your Social Media sites.  Taking a few minutes to customize your signature can help you reach a broader audience with minimum effort.

Adding Social Media logos to your signature gives you that extra flare however there are potential issues with using graphics.  While consulting with my IT lead, he brought up an issue I never thought of.  It is possible that graphics will show up as a red X to your recipient based on their network settings and filters, which looks unprofessional.

Some companies use specific settings to eliminate high usage of space on their servers or to block out potential spam.  Our solution has been to add links to our Social Media sites rather then images.  Yes, not as flashy but it gets the job done.

To do this in Outlook, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to "Tools" & select "Options"
  • Under the "Mail Format" Tab click on "Signatures"- This will bring up your current settings and allow you to "Edit"
  • Once in "Edit" mode, add the text you would like to serve as a link (i.e. Like Us on Facebook!) 
  • Then highlight your text, right click, and select "Edit Hyperlink"
  • Make sure that the type is http: and then you can enter the URL, click OK
  • Click OK a couple more times and you're good to go!

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