Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Building Strong Relationships with Social Media

Social Media can enhance brand awareness and engage your current and potential customers.  Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and blogs should be used to develop relationships rather then funnel direct sales. 

Social Media sites help to develop trust which leads to strong relationships creating more loyal customers.  There are four components to strengthening relationships: time, intensity, trust and reciprocity.


It takes time to cultivate strong relationships.  Just because you have several sites up and running, doesn't mean new business calls will be coming in non-stop.  However, by placing your brand consistently in front of your customers and prospects, when it comes time to make a purchase, your odds of winning the sale are greatly increased.  It's a game of patience that has paid off for many.


You can create a higher degree of emotional strength between you and your customers by being honest and genuine.  Intensity can also be increased with customer testimonials.


Become your customer's trusted source for topics like industry news, product reviews and tips related to your business.  Your brand will be greatly enhanced by establishing your business as a reliable resource.  Keep your sites up-to-date, posting at least once a week.  Also be sure to keep your topics current.


Let your customer's have a voice.  A claim of outstanding service is better received if it's posted by your customer rather than yourself.  Also this plays into the trust between your customer and their friends.  A person is more likely to choose a product or service recommended by their friends or family.

Other tips:

Create fun Calls to Action.  Ask engaging questions rather then posting facts, create contests that require your customers to do something and reply to any inquires or comments in a timely manner.

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