Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Connecting with QR Codes

Recently I attended a QR Code Seminar to see what the latest and greatest usage trends are.  Although the mention was brief, the take away for me was using QR codes to direct users to your v-Card.  This is a wonderful use of the codes for networking events. 

I created a QR code for every sales person on our team which links to their v-Cards.  When scanned by an Android user, the code allows them to automatically download the v-Card to their phone.  i-Phone users will be able to email the v-Card to themselves which once emailed will download the contact information to their phone.   

It took less then 15 minutes to create the codes for an entire sales team and create stickers for them to attach to their cell phones.  They may forget their business cards but I guarantee, none of them will be caught without their phones. 

Since QR reader apps are free and there are multiple free code generators available, I don't see why every company won't start doing this.


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