Thursday, March 29, 2012

Profiles That Pop!

I have joked that my Linked In profile might be a little obnoxious.  While many folks are still without a picture, I've been adding new widgets that showcase my work.  I wanted to share with you some of the available applications that can make your profile really pop!

By scrolling down to the bottom of your homepage, you will find a little plus sign beside "Add an Application."  By clicking on this you will see all the awesome elements you can add on to your profile making it just a gaudy as mine :-)

Due to my occupation, the three applications I chose where "Events," "Blog Link" and "Creative Portfolio Display."

The Events application allows you to create and display events.  This is great for any event that is open to the public.  Not only is it another resource to get your message out but your connections can see all the events you post and it promotes conversation and engagement.   Plus you can easily share your event on your wall, to groups, or individual connections with a simple click of a button making it a very efficient tool.

If you are a blogger the Blog Link is a must.  You can display not only a feed from your personal blog but also receive feeds from your connection's blogs.  Stay better informed of what's going on without leaving Linked In.  Also give your connections and prospective connections the added convenience to read your posts from your profile.

Designers, the Creative Portfolio Display is a great addition to showcase your work.  Include photos and videos of your work with descriptions on an easy to organize platform.  You will have to register for a Behance account but it's free and intuitive.  Based on some of the articles I've read, it's becoming the favorite site among graphic designers to display their work.

Happy editing!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Connecting with QR Codes

Recently I attended a QR Code Seminar to see what the latest and greatest usage trends are.  Although the mention was brief, the take away for me was using QR codes to direct users to your v-Card.  This is a wonderful use of the codes for networking events. 

I created a QR code for every sales person on our team which links to their v-Cards.  When scanned by an Android user, the code allows them to automatically download the v-Card to their phone.  i-Phone users will be able to email the v-Card to themselves which once emailed will download the contact information to their phone.   

It took less then 15 minutes to create the codes for an entire sales team and create stickers for them to attach to their cell phones.  They may forget their business cards but I guarantee, none of them will be caught without their phones. 

Since QR reader apps are free and there are multiple free code generators available, I don't see why every company won't start doing this.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

The New Look of 2D Barcodes

QR codes are so yesterday!  Well at least that is the word from Microsoft who has developed a flashier version of the Quick Response Code, referred to as "The Tag." If you ask me, it looks alot like something you'd find in Southwestern decor.

The QR code, originally designed for the automotive industry due to its large storage capacity compared to the standard UPC barcode, caught the interest of marketers to deliver information, well for lack of a better word, quickly, via Smart phones.

The Microsoft Tag is the latest format of 2D barcode scanning and you'll have to download a new app to be able to scan them.  This is sure to result in a negative consumer experience.  What's fast about downloading a new app?  I doubt many consumers will bother especially when QR codes are already so widely used.

As with anything new, the critics are furiously blogging.  My initial question....will this be much like Google's attempt to out do Facebook with +1?  Sorry, Google, nice try but no cigar.  Unless the product has fabulous new features, slapping on a new name won't promote a large draw.

Also the Tag must be in color which limits printing options.  With tightening purse stings, I doubt businesses will be running to the presses to print full color just to accommodate this new alternative.   
I don't want to be a Negative Nelly, so here is a video from Microsoft talking about their product so you can form your own opinion.  As always I encourage and appreciate your feedback.