Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Asking for Referrals

Referrals are a great way to get new business.  Word of mouth marketing might be one of the oldest forms of marketing but in my opinion, is still the most effective.  Nothing sells your product or service better than praise from a trusted source.

So how do you get more referrals?  It's simple, ask.  As my mama always says, "throw it out there, all they can do is say no."  The best time to ask for referrals is right after you've exceeded your customer's expectations.  Briefly state that you're happy they are satisfied and would love to assist any of their family and/or friends who could also use your services.  Shazam! Done.

There is no boring sales pitch leaving your customer feeling greasy, just a mere mention.  Also consider rewarding your customers for their referrals.  It really is the biggest compliment to your company that they would be your advocate, so give them a little thank you.  Gift cards work great and you can even say "thank you" on your Twitter or Facebook feeds as an extra acknowledgment.

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