Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Time Management Tips

Isn’t it ironic that I would write a Time Management entry on a blog that hasn’t seen a new post in months!?!  I guess one can only improve by working on what challenges them most.  For the busy professional, time is our most valuable asset and consequently what we have the least of.

Running to appointments, establishing relationships, answering phones and writing countless emails is just the tip of the iceberg.  Creating engaging content for a blog, well that can go on the back burner. However, I hope that some of the tips I’ve collected below will help you to make your entries more frequent.  If not, at least you know you’re not the only one struggling to reach that weekly recommended post.

Plan each day. Make it a point to allocate some time to concentrate on what you need to accomplish.  To-do lists are a great way to manage all your tasks and as you complete them, marking tasks off will make you feel more in control and more accomplished.  I use my Outlook calendar for this purpose to make sure I’m setting aside the time I need to tackle the day’s projects.

Prioritize your tasks. This could be a little time-consuming but it’s important that you spend your time and energy on those tasks that yield the best results.

Say no to nonessential tasks. It’s easy for others to try to “delegate” their tasks especially if you’re proficient with yours.  Only take on additional work after reviewing your goals and schedule to ensure it won’t put you behind.

Take the time you need to do a quality job. Rushed work leads to mistakes, mistakes take double the time to fix.  If you’ve allocated the time for a project, use it.

Break large, time-consuming tasks into smaller tasks. Chipping away at a large project daily can not only help to ensure you don’t get burnt out but also give you time to cross off the smaller tasks, leaving you feeling more accomplished and fueled for the larger job.

Swallow the Frog.  Have dreaded tasks that make swallowing a frog seem pleasant?  Make it a point to spend around 10-minutes each day tackling those daunting projects.  Once you get going you’ll realize that you can finish them.   

Evaluate how you're spending your time. Take a look at your do-to lists and calendar appointments. Keep track of all the items you add to your lists for a couple days.  This will help you define how you’re using your time and see if there are ways you can use it more wisely.

Limit distractions. Close your office door, turn off your phone, or don’t check your email until your project is complete.  You blocked off time for a reason, to get the project done.  Eliminating little distractions will help you complete your work faster and check-off more items.

Don’t be afraid to take a break when needed. Remember in grade school they taught you to skip the hard questions while taking a test and revisit? That was giving your brain a break.  Sometimes a short walk, grabbing a coffee or a quick stretch can help relieve some stress.  The less stress, the less chance you have of derailing your attempts to complete a project.

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