Friday, July 20, 2012

Live Wealthy

Last weekend, as I sat out on the deck on a warm summer evening with a couple friends, a conversation about life broke out.  One friend, 34 years young, homeowner and making around $60K a year commented that he was not “living wealthy.”  He had sought out the “American dream” of getting a good job and owning a home, but had he known what he knows now, he may have done things differently.

It is a story of tradition; you go to school, get a good job, maybe get married, own a home, have a couple kids and ultimately start living beyond your means.  Our drive is to continue making more money to acquire all those things we were programmed to believe were indicators of success.  However, I wonder if the coined mid-life crisis isn’t merely the realization that we’ve worked for a dream thought up years ago by someone else only to miss out on, well, “life.”

My friend said that if he could do things differently, he’d still go for the good job, but trade in the house for a small condo, not worry so much about material items, and focus his funds forwards having more fun and early retirement.  I think that’s a good point for all the young professionals out there, just getting their start.  Wealth is not in that which you possess but rather in having the experiences that enrich your life, only then will you “live wealthy.”

To all the seasoned professionals working 60 hour a week to keep up with the “Jones” take a minute to reflect.  Focus on what makes you happy about your job regardless of the pay and what you really need to be happy and feel successful.  There is no need to strive for someone else’s dream, when yours is within your grasp.